Wednesday, April 8, 2015

statement pieces for the win

I love jewerly. It's something I feel like can make a basic outfit unique. 
Here are my three statement pieces for the Spring that I feel like I can wear year-around.
Let me know your favorites! 
(click on the picture for a bigger image)

The left two are from Forever 21. I honestly think that Forever 21 is has been on point with their statement jewelry. There are hundreds of statement pieces for just a little bit over 10 dollars. The quality is obviously not the best but they are definitely stand out pieces. The quality of this piece is pretty damn good. I'm not so sure about the smaller fringed chains on the bottom, but I've definitely wear it many times since I've purchased it (about a month ago.)
you can get your own here

The first one is a choker necklace. I really like this one because I can wear it with crop tops. 
The next one is a longer necklace that I can use to layer with or usually just wear it alone. I prefer this one with more flowy/longer tops. This quality isn't as good as the other ones, the metal feels a bit not as sturdy and has more of a possibility to tarnish faster, but I feel like it will stand last a while.
you can get your own here

The last one is from Urban Outfitters. Honestly, I've had this one for over 4/5 months now and I still wear it constantly! Part of the reasons why I purchased the other two is because I wanted more variety since I wear it so much. This one was around $30 and it has that "good-weight" where it definitely feels like a good quality piece. (I can vouche for this since I've had it so long and it's still in great condition.)
you can get your own here

Saturday, January 3, 2015

how to mend a broken nail

so right after the new year, my middle finger nail tore really really really bad. I thought I was never going to be able to mend it back together and I knew it was going to definitely hurt- a lot if it actually tore. Hence the first thing I did when I went home was to do my research to find out how to mend my nail. I wanted to share my experience.
p.s: I am so glad I was able to sucessfully fix my broken nail.
p.p.s: my nails are pretty brittle after pealing off the nail polish (it's a bad habit >.<)
^ my nail after it broke. (as you can see, it's pretty bad haha)
materials you need: a nail file
                                a teabag (you can also replace this for tissue paper or anything of similar texture.)
                                nail glue
                                a nail strengthener (I used two nail defenses you can use whatever you like but                                     these two are really my favorite). (opi and orly are my favorite btw)
                                a nail file to file your nail down after the teabag.
                                a top coat or nail polish of your choice afterwards. 
directions: empty the teabag (we only need the paper)
                  cut the teabag according to the rip of your nail. 
                  apply nail glue over the broken nail- wait for it to dry. (sorry, it was really difficult to take pictures since it was my first time trying this out.)
                  apply another thin layer of glue and use tweezers to apply the paper over the nail.
                  after it drys, apply another layer of glue over the nail.
                  apply your nail strengthener over the nail.
                  use the nail file to file the teabag down-gently.
                  apply the nail polish of your choice then your top coat.

                 finished product :) - btw, I applied nail polish afterwards, it's been 2 days and it's staying pretty well. I'll update this post later to let you guys know how long it last!

how to make poke 101 :)

so i'm obviously no poke expert- in fact this is only my third ever making it. however, this time it turned out really well and i wanted to share it with you guys:)
ingredients: 1/2 pound (more or less) of sushi grade sashimi.
                    1 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce of your choice 
                    1 tablespoon sesame oil 
                    1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
                    a spoonful of seaweed (optional)
                    2 cloves of garlic (or 1 depending on the size)
                    1/2 teaspoon of ginger
                    1 lime
                    2 stocks of green onion
                    2 teaspoons of sriracha (optional but highly recommended)
                    1/2 teaspoon of salt
*adjust accordingly to taste. remember to always add less so you can add more.
I started off by chopping off all the ingredients. 
I then added the raw sashimi.
lastly I added the seaweed, toasted sesame seeds and a mixture of the sauce.
finished product :D 
I know it may not be the best poke recipe ever, but in my opinion it was pretty damn good:) 
~enjoy with fresh rice and some sriracha sauce ^.^~
btw, hope everyone's new year is heading off to a great start!